JAV Sales Report - April 2024

Published : May 23rd, 2024 Written by Oppaira

Welcome to the April Sales Report. Let's go see what's on the report this month!

Top Actresses

Mei Itsukaichi has seemingly been everywhere lately and wow does this one look great. I really like teacher themes but this one having a very strong emphasis on that theme is incredible. Sure, you can be lazy about it and just have sex in a classroom and call it a day, but no, they went the extra mile with her teaching him even during sex. I'm really hoping that helps keep her performance in check because damn it could end up being incredible. I'm partially hoping for a lot here because I've been on the lookout for 2023 debuts to watch. As many of you probably know I go back and check out another handful of debuts I missed and Mei is at the top of the list. While her fake tits don't really do it for me there are plenty with fake tits that I enjoy and if Mei is going to be this popular (she's second in the physical sales) then I figure she has to be worth watching.

Moe is an actress I might have given an unfair opinion of. Maybe. Perhaps. We'll see because I'll be re-reviewing her in the near future on the blog. I feel like sometimes my strong biases for physical qualities make me poorly rate otherwise great actresses. Sue me for liking big tits. Moe seems more my speed now with her gaining a lot of maturity since I last reviewed her (which was around 4.5 years ago). I do like these kind of actresses who fall right in that ambiguous land about whether they're mature or not. If you give me an older sister type plot I'd say she still fits it, if you call her a teacher or stepmom or something, can also get behind that. I guess at this point I'm rambling on about myself when I should be focusing on Moe. Moe's been doing well for herself lately and it's nice to see some of the older faces at Faleno holding up. I still remember when it was basically Yume Nikaido propping up the studio and it's nice to see veterans getting the spotlight. Hopefully this is a good sign that I should be watching her again.

Emika Shirakami looks like a cutie, enough so that even my interest is piqued. S1 has really played her up that way too and her debut trailer really seems to emphasize this. Pick some cute music, show her out and about having fun, not really what you would expect to see in a trailer. That being said, I think it actually does work out well because that fun vibe it generates is exactly the selling point for Emika that I think you want. She's not busty and they don't even bother to list her sizes and yet I seemingly don't care. I won't say she strikes me as being as good as Himari or Mitsuri who are higher up on the list than her but who knows, maybe Emika is the sort of youthfulness the current iteration of S1 seemingly lacks. She's certainly doing well for herself and if you scroll down to Bookmate you'll find the inverse, that Emika is eclipsing both of them.

Whether you're still calling her Kanako Iioka or using her current name Kana Morisawa it's clear as day that Kana has become a star. She's been surprisingly good from what little I've seen and that's saying a lot considering she's not busty. It just goes to show you what a decade in the industry can do. Everyone always likes to talk about the new hotness but what about these veterans that finally break through? Kana is really in the spotlight now and the maturity has really gone over well compared to what she first looked like. I personally find that when an actress gets labelled as a MILF too early it ends with me finding them more enjoyable when they finally grow into that maturity. I've never seen older Kana so you'll have to excuse me if she's secretly (or not so secretly) been great for years, but right now she seems great and that's what matters.

So, Aoi Kururugi has finally retired. Or at least she's definitely filmed her final video. It's not depicted on these two lovely stills but the actual cover for this video says 引退までの36時間 which means 36 hours until retirement. It's hard to tell but it does look like it's her retirement film with the way things look. You can see her sad and crying during it and when you have a wonderful career like hers it's hard not to. I know we can still find her on social media but I do wonder what she'll be up to in her retirement. At any it'll be fun to follow along her new chapter while also seeing how much the fans can keep her JAV memory up by buying her stuff. Will she continue to be a top spot or drop off the list entirely?

I won't lie to you, when I see Riho Fujimori these days I make the same expressions she does. Or well, at least whomever that is. It's not uncommon for actresses to get cosmetic surgery but Riho did quite a bit of work and looks quite a bit different these days. Sometimes people take it too far and I really do feel like that's the case with Riho. But I digress because clearly I'm in the wrong with how popular she's become. I'm very curious to see if she continues to stay this high up because if she does I might just have to bite the bullet and accept her new look is great and start watching her again. How does everyone else feel about her current look?

Top Videos

I think a lot of people were both surprised and excited when they saw this video get announced for one big reason: Dahlia doesn't do duo videos like this. In fact, I went looking and couldn't find a single one so that's certainly a selling point for fans. Faleno rarely does it as well and since Suzume has never been anywhere other than Faleno/Dahlia she's never done a duo video. Yuko Ono rarely did them either and the last time she co-starred was way back in 2018 with S1. I think the convenience store theme it has makes it really appealing, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if I checked it out at some point on these merits. I'm not the biggest fan of either (perhaps I should be) but who knows, maybe the fans are on to something with this one.

I don't know about you guys but I'm starting to get tired of these neet videos. I mean sure, it's a cool concept and all, but the industry has a tendency to take concepts like this and beat them down your neck. One studio comes up with a great idea and then suddenly everyone is doing it. I've already seen videos from Idea Pocket, SOD, and Tameike Goro, I mean who hasn't done it at this point. That being said, as frustrated as I am with it I'm evidently the minority. I think a lot of others are enjoying it and clearly Mio's did well. I feel like Mio is a prime candidate for it because of how they've positioned her. She has always been someone identified as a diamond in the rough and the more girl next door feel she has to her certainly suits her for a film like this.

Natsuki's career really has been all over the place but I for one am glad it's really picking up. She was a bit underrated from her debut and it took a while for everyone to realize how good she was. Even now it's strange to see this video being the one on top since it's a year old and she's had plenty since. It almost feels like people just discovered her and are going through her catalogue in order. Realistically speaking it was probably on sale and everyone loves a good sale. It's hard to go wrong with G cup tits like hers front and center on the cover and maybe this will really spark the career she could be capable of having.

I really wish lucky bags were a thing outside of Japan. Sometime I tune in to Connor and Kaho Shibuya opening up figurines and am amazed at how good those sales are. Then I tune into JAV and look at this and go wow, what a bargain. 1534 minutes (分 means minute), that's over 25 hours if you're counting which is like 16 or so videos given how long Venus videos are. It's also got quite a few older videos in the mix as they went back 5+ years to grab all the titles for it. This series has had plenty of entries over the years so there's undoubtedly tons of content, and I think that's partially how they make it work. Momo's entry (she's the one depicted on the cover) is two years old so they're giving you older content for sure. That being said, at a steep discount it's a good way to make a quick buck off some content that isn't selling anymore, and it's honestly probably the best way to watch any of these given they're not quality videos worth it at full price.

Bookmate Rankings

What a tease E-Body is being with Toa Kiyomiya (清宮仁愛) because gawd dayum does that photo simultaneously make me really excited and really mad. LET THOSE PUPPIES FREE GOD DAMMIT! Well, now that my frustration is out we can settle in to how incredible Toa looks. It's a shame we're still in debut trash territory but the more I see Toa the more I think to myself she should be in the top tier of debuts like Himari and Mitsuri. She's got 105J cup tits, colour me excited when you get to triple digit numbers with the busty size. She looks like a real cutie too but the performance is so hard to judge this early on. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things turn out but considering we've got about 5 or 6 more shots before I have to watch her I'm hopeful she can get some good experience under her belt.

Miyu Kiyohara (清原みゆう) continues to do well for herself despite all the influx of 2024 debuts. It goes without saying but everyone loves the new and we do tend to see this trend of debuts falling off when the new hotness arrives. Hell, there's even multiple debuts at S1 ahead of her on the chart if you can believe it. I do feel like Miyu is getting a bit of the short end of the stick since they keep putting here in these generic films. Give me a plot or give me something that specifically suits her. This maid one is like, well at least it's something. I feel like if they do that Miyu will continue to rise.

In case you've been living under a rock Ai Hongo (本郷愛) started a Twitch channel recently and has been an absolute treat to watch. She has such a great personality that shines through and even despite it being 99% in Japanese it's still fun to watch. I particularly enjoyed watching her play A Dance of Fire and Ice with all the raging she did, it was so much fun! She speaks fluent English and you do get a few words here and there that give you a pleasant surprise. I've shared a clip to help convince you because her streams really are a ton of fun and you should all go support her. Plus you can support her JAV which is also doing great these days. Her transfer to S1 has been a great step for her and her shorter hair now has helped elevate her into the more sophisticated woman from her more youthful appearance four years ago during her debut. I can't help but wonder how much her Twitch streaming will impact her JAV career, I'm sure it will at least a little, I know it already got me to go back and watch her again.

Riho Shishido (宍戸里帆) has been seriously impressive these last few months. The buff she got after she started doing creampies is holding steady and she makes all of these videos look wonderful. I've been really enjoying how she's able to really mix the rougher gangbang stuff alongside some more passionate notes. It's like she just simply loves being manhandled and wants to thank you for it. It's like some new level of omotenashi where you let them do as they please and then thank them for it. Either way it's lovely and if you're not all over her like these guys are you really ought to be.

Man, wouldn't a box set like that look nice on your shelf? Hot woman on the front, a cute little signature, and a lot of hardcore sex. It's hard to see from that photo but it says it features 16 hours of content from 155 different films. If that doesn't explain why she's on the list I don't know what will. My math says it's under $2 USD per hour with the current price of the Japanese yen, and if you were ever going to get a taste of miru now would be the time. I feel like it's hard to enjoy the films when it's just bits and pieces from many videos but I can see the appeal if you aren't like me. Sometimes I too would rather just watch the good parts and curating all her best scenes would be nice. Would you grab this one with that kind of value?

Rei Kamiki (神木麗) has truly blossomed into a star. I mean sure, we all knew she was great from the start but to know she would turn out this great was never a guarantee. She's beautiful from head to toe and has surprised me with how capable of a performer she is. SOD has also started giving her some solid films and I've been loving every moment of it. With Rei I think the name of the game is how long she can keep this up as it's now her two year anniversary, and SOD has quite a few members with lengthy careers on their roster. I'd love to see Rei reach Mana's level and one can only hope the success she's seeing is fueling a passion to keep at it.

Ayumi Natsukawa (夏川あゆみ) continues to baffle me as she's somehow still doing reasonably well. It's not that she's bad but like she's also nothing special. You'd think that me of all people wouldn't mind a busty milf like her but I guess with how many there are or how much I'm willing to watch slightly less busty for other qualities, Ayumi just ends up being way too underwhelming. I'd honestly rather watch Kana Mito at Madonna than Ayumi Natsukawa at Venus or Glory Quest where the videos will be trash. You have to be quite a bit better than this for me to care if you're there, like a Miki Yamase or Mako Oda. Sadly Ayumi is not and the thing that's carrying her is the sheer output. As much as I would prefer a Mako, the one video she releases every now and then can't compete with the dozen that Ayumi had in April. It really is cutthroat out there but Ayumi is putting in the work to change the perception of her.

At this point I have to ask who wore it better, Miyu or Mei Washio (鷲尾めい)? This video is a couple of months old compared to Miyu's brand new film but maid vs maid lets us compare a lot. I like Mei more than Miyu but I readily admit that Mei has shown us what she's capable of. Don't get me wrong, Mei is great physically, but she lacks a bit of performing skills to really shine. I guess so too does Miyu but at least with Miyu there's some hope that she's still new and hasn't peaked yet. It's great to see Mei still hanging on in top spots despite how crowded the top of S1 has gotten. There's just so many big titty actresses that you can't help but wonder how she's still managing to keep it up. Maybe she's better than I claim and that's why, or maybe her tits are just too good to ignore. Panking actually put Miyu one spot above Mei on his latest list, I'm not sure I would put Miyu quite that high, but it's clear as day that they're both busty, both great, and both popular.

I hope you've enjoyed another sales report, until next time!


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