Rara Anzai, it's been seven months and fifteen days

Published : February 18th, 2021 Written by WoodOfTheRisingSun

It’s been seven months and fifteen days, since you took your lovely breasts away. That’s when Rara/Rion/Shion released her last original porn. No no... I have not been counting each long passing day, I looked it up. We survivors of Rarafanitits have learned to live life without Rara Anzai. Others, less robust of spirits, have already died of radical acute testicular rupture.

To be fair, there have not been a lack of bulging bulbous boobies. S1 made a huge promotional push for Aka Asuka as a direct substitute for Rara, coming just short of yelling out “time to let go Rara Anzai, watch this pair of tits instead!”, keeping to Japanese decorum. Speaking of, in a couple weeks, Aka Asuka is returning from her own one month absense from regular monthly release. Even with the pandemic as perfect excuse for any career hiccups, it’s still an unwelcome bump in her early and fragile career. (well yes yes, her career is solid for a six-month S1 debutant, but in an article about a superstar, being merely brilliant isn’t enough) Am I being fair to Aka Asuka, no I am not, I am giving a free pass to Rara Anzai’s lack of professionalism while giving Aka Asuka a hard time for skipping one month, it’s not fair. But S1 is the Thunderdome of JAV, the first half year of every debutant is a critical period.

Another busty debutante who is catching a lot of attention is of course Kaoru Yasui. She bursted onto the scene as much on her massive mammaries as on her gravure creds (which in turn is heavily propped up by her chest measurement). Kaoru’s technical specs maybe a match for Rara’s (H-cups vs. K-cups, taking official numbers), but her debut TEK-098 is a rather lackluster piece of porn, falling perfectly within expectation for a Muteki celeb debut title. At the time of writing we are still waiting for any update regarding her next title or (more importantly) studio. Here there’s a little story about the studio Muteki that may become a proper article, but not now.  

And there are others busty debutantes too. But these two are the high profile and representative ones. I bring them up only to say that for many of us, none of them has come close to inheriting the Oppai Goddess status from a (presumed) retiring Rara Anzai. And yes, fear of her retiring is justifiable, industry insiders have learned by experience that no one can count of any predictability of Rara Anzai. With her disappearing from public for months, we are mentally preparing for the possible reality she might never return.  

While there’s a reasonable explanation of the state of emergency due to the pandemic, fans were still rather anxious. Almost all other top idols practicing self-restrain 自肃 not only maintained their online presence, in fact many upped their SNS game to strengthen their fan connections and perhaps compensate somewhat for the boredom and reduced income. But not Rara, she maintain perfect passivity after the release of SSNI-822 on July 4th, fueling anxiety of her worrisome fans. Sure enough as JAV idols gradually got back to some level of work (except for a few made public announcement of suspension of career or even outright retirement), Rara was alone amongst top idols to disappear from view, neither returning to any kind of work, nor make known her activity, plans or even intention, not even to prove to the world that she’s still alive. And as mentioned, all frantic inquiries were met with a wall of silence.

With that grim expectation, perhaps because of that grim expectation, her extraordinary number of compilation videos each made excellent sales results, meekly swollowing the rather lame bait of milking two compilation sets (total run time 960 minutes) out of a career of only eight titles (total run time 1050 minutes):

Is that all? Are we reduced to fapping to endless replay of her compilations for the rest of our miserable lives? Yet there is hope, the thing is no news is better than bad news. A couple weeks ago Mion Sonoda finally cut off her JAV persona and will be known as “ai.” from now on. That we don’t hear something similar keeps a faint hope up. Industry insiders helped keep the flame alive by silently hinting that relavent industry representatives are still maintaining contat with her. And since late last year, growing hints and signs that her return is more than a wishful thinking. Some over-eager fans put false hope in S1’s teasing for Aka Asuka, the impatience of Rara fans not even two months after her last title was noted by the industry, and probably, Rara Anzai herself. Eightman Production (8Man), the talent agency that both originally developed Shion Utsunomiya and still represents her third and last persona Rara Anzai, stubbornly kept her as a top member of their roaster, while other girls are rotated onto and off the agency’s banner image over the weeks and months. That alone isn’t enough to go on, after all, confirmed retiree Yuko Ono 小野夕子 is equally staying on the banner.

On November 8, 2020, known unofficially as Good Oppai Day in Japan (if one takes a particularly mashed up and awkward way to pronounce “one one O eight”, you can construct いいおっぱい good oppai), 8Man’s contribution to the national celebration is the following pic:

On paper, Rara Anzai is, of the girls currently on 8Man’s rooster, the personification of Oppai. But these things are subjective anyway, it’s normal to expect 8Man to pick say, Mei Washio 筧ジュン who’s actively generating revenue. A prestigious agency never pick image girls casually, it was a deliberate message that she is still on contract. Then on Feb 2nd, 8Man made such a tweet:

That’s the ancient Japanese art of tease, all it says, literally, is “Ah, it’s February already. Feb 19: finally, that girl’s new work. Intel release, pre-ordering, begin!!!” Standard fake low key announcement. Using very causal tone (first sentence) but the long tease (17 days) suggests it will be a huge reveal. So who’s “The Girl”? Only three syllabals but implying a familiar person instead of a newly developed debutante. Industry insider immediately noticed it’s the scheduled date S1 announce the new batch of titles for second half of March. If that’s not a coincidence (notices 8Man declared the announcement WITH open pre-ordering), who is a known talent not currently active, likely or already associated with S1 and attached to 8Man? There are only two candidates: Yuko Ono 小野夕子 and Rara Anzai. Tactically with Aka Asuka parked in the first half of the month (about 6th), Rara Anzai, if she were really to return, in the second half of each month (about 18th) would have a legit “Devine Milk” Goddess for every half-month product cycle. It’s almost too perfect. An hour ago, this was dropped:

As I'm typing this last paragraph, the interweb is swollen with excitement. The image is close enough to clinching the mystery reveal tomorrow to be the Oppai Goddess, of course there will be many questions, is she returning as Rara Anzai or a forth persona will be born tomorrow.  It’s not just vacuous promotional doublethink. If she’s returning as a re-debutante, it means several months of the standard “let’s be gentle to the newbie” all-sex vanilla titles, instead of the more interesting themes/plot titles for veteran idols. Well.... “interesting” by S1’s standard, yeah that’s another major assumption right there, who can really bet against another shocking move by Faleno? Meanwhile, I'm carefully removing all dangerous items from easy reach, just in case, just in that one-in-a-million, tomorrow "the girl" turns out not to be Rara Anzai, I wouldn't do something stupid and regrettable.


WoodOfTheRisingSun 3 years ago

YAY~~~ confirmed! Rara Anzai (as Rara Anzai) will be back on March 19, SSIS-025 titled simply "With divine milk, Super Fuzoku Lady". The title, the cover, the promo blurb made absolutely no hint that she's returning from absence of months. LOL. No explanation, no excuse, no reconciliation, taking the fandom for granted as if she's a Goddess... except that she is!

Mary Poppins 3 years ago
Looks like she got thiccer over the years and her breasts grew too. Her arms always seem to be super skinny. She must be some kind of genetic freak, with the way that weight is distributed on her body.
Oppaira 3 years ago

More like genetic gift from the gods. Like hot damn is she physically nice.

Mangochin 3 years ago

IIRC all this publicity is for the return of Rara in gravure. They mentioned something about it in November on Twitter and also on their agency page? They did the same thing with Yuko Ono (Aoi)

Oppaira 3 years ago

If Rara went to gravure wouldn't her weight gain be a huge concern? Fans in JAV liked it but I feel like gravure might care more about that weight gain. Gravure is probably better for her given she can't act though.

安齋らら 3 years ago
安齋らら either she will born in new name is doesn't matter to me i will still fans for her forever is been long time that i see her so very painful that but im very happy that my oppai goddess are come back ????????????????????????????????
DigaRW 3 years ago
It's kinda crazy to see this hype around and I got drawn into it.I'm not particular fans of her (previous post about overrated actresses, I was babbling about how bad is she), but by all means I'm never hate this girl. Few days before Mei Washio's Instagram account was turned to to 8man, I already had a feeling that she will comeback on first quarter of this year and probably around March. Now with all this teaser, I'm pretty sure that was her.Nevertheless, this is few hours before revelation. Let's hope for the best.
WoodOfTheRisingSun 3 years ago

Ahh... yes... the fanfare can be fun even when I'm not fan of certain idol.

Zen 3 years ago
Is mion sonoda/ai back in jav?
ZENRA 3 years ago

"Back", yes, but not JAV as far as I know.

WoodOfTheRisingSun 3 years ago

ai. (don't forget the period) is NOT back in JAV. She's not even "back" in the common sense of the word. She's keeping her Twitter account, but there isn't any sign that some kind of public figure career is in the works.

ZENRA 3 years ago

Good grief, I thought the JAV industry got rid of the "name." format over a decade ago. I can't be the only one who remembers how in the 2000's there were a few actresses with periods and maybe other special character in their names?

Forgotten username?

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