Crazy JAV Backstory: a Tale of Two Virgins: Satomi Honda and Yui Amame

Published : August 21st, 2020 Written by WoodOfTheRisingSun

A bit of personal rant here, around the time I lost my own virginity, I had enough wisdom and maturity to see female virginity equally as male virginity: it's a handicap not a virtue. With modern science and medicine, a vagina having been penetrated by penis and squirted full of semen of multiple men is no .  Since then, I have as much interest to participate in, or watch, sex with a virgin as I would to ride in, or watch, a car driven by a virgin driver. Or watching a cooking show starring me, I think the level of cringe is about the same.  But... sex, or more to the topic, porn, is highly subjective.  I love boobs, some folks get off on high heels, and others obsess about virgin girls... hmm reading that out loud sounds a bit biblical doesn't it?  Anyway there is always a segment of JAV market for virigins. 

Satomi Honda 本田さとみ Virgin of the Decade, and I even believe it

I think I might have said something like you almost never see a JAV backstory actually claiming the girl was a virgin.  It turns out I was right to mince words, yes I came across a virgin JAV debutant.  Satomi Honda 本田さとみ Experience Zero Persons AV debut and I even believe her virginity... Why?  Normally I'd say a girl who is so reserved (or whatever adjectives you want to insert) to have kept her vagina still pristine to the age she can legally make porn, would not be making the jump into the industry.  But then look it this way, it's such a rare crazy idea that men can't resist checking it out.  Now, come take a walk with me to the deep end: if the concept is so irresistible, a studio/agency might use that as a super-booster right?  But you can't spam super-booster on everyone right?  You reserve super-boost for only the ones who need it. And "virgin" is like an atomic bomb of a booster, only once in ten years (according to the blurb) so what does that mean?  That means... stay with me, the virgin backstory would be credible only if the girl is a once-in-a-decade porkchop that would NEED the super-booster to justify a solo debut title. 

Now actually I should come clean and tell you that I have not seen any actual footage.  I am pre-judging young Miss Satomi Honda based only only some photos I saw.  AND THE FACT that she has no follow-up title, not even a single uncredited role in any planning video.  So yeah I might be being unfair, but I will just jump to conclusion: I believe she was a virgin because virginity is the only asset she has to earn that one-time fee for a one-time JAV title. So I believed it, do you believe it?

Yui Amame 天音ゆい 18 Years Kawaii New Generation Idol

Yui Amame 天音ゆい is a newbie whose debut is scheduled for August 25th, but with the guidance of agency Bstar (Kana Mito 水戸かなMarina Shiraishi 白石茉莉奈, and Meru Ishihara 石原める) she actually started on Twitter (also on IG) back in June already.  Bstar is one of the top high-power agency, and with such advanced promotion, one would expect Yui-chan to debut with a top studio, between S1, SOD Star and Faleno.  But then S1 is debuting Riri Nanatsumori 七ツ森りり and then the other top studios also didn't pick up Yui-chan.  Like how baseball clubs drafting new players, she was passed down to middling studio Kawaii. 

Kawaii is labelling Yui as "New Generation Idol" 新時代アイドル wow that's some hyperbole.  How many fans still remember Kawaii's "Strongest Beautiful Girl" 史上最強美少女 Ruru Arisu 有栖るる?  When Kawaii shoots out these big caliber titles, don't expect them to hold up.  Anyway Yui Amame has a special quality that earned her a place in Bstar's roster and a hyperbole of a title at Kawaii, she is cute, yes she is literally kawaii. 

And for fans of cute 18 years old girls, many of them might be very aroused to know that Yui Amame is almost a virgin. She lost her virginity only half a year ago and is still very innocent sexually.  Early intel says that her shaved pussy is very sensitive and even gentle pumping would make her squrts a puddle of love juice.


hana hook 4 years ago
Never trust kawaii and sod KMHR to fight for it's rooster.. Ruru arisa is phenomenal in SDMU-942 and MUDR-100 but she is now in mediocre role. Ririka debut in KMHR, and her name never heard anymore. Now that Mayuki Ito moves to S1, kawaii is now desperate to find their new replacement.

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