Anton’s Fetifes Adventure - Chapter 2: Where them JAV Stars at?

Alright, so! Last time, I wandered around the various floors of Fetifes before the doors opened to the general public. So once the event organizers yelled “Yoi, start!”, and the event began in earnest, I figured the best first step would be to do that again, but to see how things were now that everything had been set up. So, after bidding Sade-san and the two lovely ladies on the 3rd floor adieu, I hopped on the elevator and was immediately acquainted with a… unique feature of it.
See, normally how elevators operate is that once they arrive and you get on, your button commands from inside the elevator take precedence over the button commands of those outside who are trying to call the elevator to their floor. So for instance, if I’m on the 3rd floor, I press the button, the elevator shows up, but once I get on and select the button for the 1st floor (or ground floor, depending on your persuasion), if someone on the 5th floor presses their outside button after the elevator doors on my floor have closed, I’ll still go down to the 1st floor before I go to the 5th floor. If someone on the 2nd floor suddenly wants to ride the elevator, I’ll probably stop to let them on, but if they then decide they want to go up, the elevator will still take me down before it takes that person to whatever upper floor they want to go to.
You got all that? Good. Because the elevators at Fetifes did not operate under these rules. I don’t know whose buttons were given priority over whose in that elevator operating system, but I do know that over the course of that day I quickly learned that the stairs were the only safe and reliable option of getting around the various floors of the Fetish Festival. If you entered the elevator of Fetifes you were essentially allowing yourself to be spat out at whatever random floor the buttons that be decided you would go to, regardless of your own desires. And while you’d think at least entering from the bottommost or topmost floors would be safe, since there was only one direction to go from those floors and it was whatever direction you were headed anyway and because the elevator had worked fine when I’d earlier entered it from the 1st floor, despite this you still could be pulled back up or down to another floor before you reached your destination, thus trapping you in the cycle of never reaching your floor once again. I learned this the hard way as I entered from the 3rd floor, and after a while of bouncing from one floor to the other, when I finally made it to the 5th floor I simply got out and took the stairs to the 6th, figuring it was the easier option at that point.
Upon entering that floor I was immediately met with a woman who gave me an ahegao face in greeting. The face was pitch perfect. It looked like something out of a hentai, it was almost eerie in a way. But in fact it was so eerie, so pitch perfect, so exactly like what you’d come to expect from an ahegao, that my initial response was unfortunately a blurt-laugh, which I don’t think was the appropriate or desired response. I sheepishly blushed as I realized the sound I’d just uttered and politely greeted the other girls there before making my way to the room proper, which was already packed with people.
The 6th floor had two rooms in it. There was a little alcove room next to the elevator door, in which I’d just been, and there was the room proper, which was several sizes bigger and which looked vaguely like a school cafeteria, with the hard white tile floor that you find all the time in schools and a bunch of people seated at tables gabbing away.
At said tables people were selling DVDs, pictures, posters, prints, and pleasurable activities. And no, nothing sordid that would get us into trouble with S&P, I mean the sort of fun stuff that I’ve detailed at places like SOD Land or other fan meet events I’ve attended. You could pay to have the ladies whisper sweet nothings in your ear, get your picture taken with them, or lie down beneath a hollow toilet seat and gaze upon the actress’ bare bottom as she sat above you. I don’t know if you could pay to receive number one or number two whilst in that position but I doubt it. Not because I don’t think there’d be any willing customers. I’m certain there would be. But let’s be real here. Who could honestly keep going number one consistently for a full six hours (the length of the event)? You’d have to have, like, several gallons of water on you to drink throughout the day.
Whatever the case, the 6th floor was filled to the brim with ladies of varying costumes, whether that be nuns, cheerleaders, plus-size bikini babes, crossdressers, succubi, furries, nurses, goths, foot fetish folk, or 2000s scene queens (blast from the past, those ones), the room was packed with a plethora of interesting inhabitants. One such inhabitant was Mion Hazuki. I searched the room for any signs of Maria Nagai or Ayaka Mochizuki, but to no avail. Perhaps they were on different floors, if they were there at all. Only one way to find out.
The 5th floor was similar to the 6th floor, except it was significantly smaller, with no extra alcove and a good chunk of its space cordoned off for the shows that would be playing throughout the day. Also it was carpeted instead of having that white tile floor. But there were plenty of costumed folks hawking their wares. Merchandise, prints, keychains, posters, t-shirts, tails, ears, DVDs, doujins, and even what appeared to be an autobiography of some sort. They were all there. But no Nagai or Mochizuki, so I went down to the 4th floor which had the carpet flooring of the 5th floor but the alcove and extra space of the 6th floor.
This floor, as you’ll recall, was where June was, and it also had people in costumes and various wares. But I noticed this time around that some of the sights on display were a bit… intense? I won’t give you the grisly details, partly because I don’t want to get into trouble with S&P but mostly because I don’t want to ruin your lunch. But, just to give you a basic idea of some of the stuff I saw there, I love skin. Right? I think we all love soft, smooth skin on a beautiful woman, right? But that’s the thing, isn’t it? The skin has to be on a beautiful woman. And that’s all I’ll say.
There was also a woman wearing a horse mask (like the one in that Virtual Riot music video), dressed in skintight black leather with a big, beeg, BEEG strapon on her. Like, we’re talking so big most adjectives to describe it could get me in trouble with S&P, and as I noticed this woman she was in the middle of slapping a thoroughly tickled-pink fellow there in the face with it. I always thought that strapons were for penetration, but I guess there are always other activities one can do with those (and yes, the face Yui makes in that video I linked is the exact same face your man was making when he got slapped by the strapon).
I then ran into a man who, like many people, initially greeted me with a question about my height. When I told him just how tall I was, he then uttered exclamations before offering me a hand to shake in congratulations, all while I felt slightly awkward and embarrassed. Funnily enough that isn’t the first time that’s happened to me.
But anyways, whilst I could see June easily enough, entertaining their fans who were quite happy to be in their presence, I couldn’t see either Mochizuki or Nagai, so I went down to the 3rd floor. As you’ll recall, this floor wasn’t open to the general public, but I should probably give a brief rundown of what it was like. It was a big tatami room, where you had to take your shoes off before entering and where some tarpaulin curtains had been arranged for those who wished to change into or out of costumes. The video people were still filming too, making yakisoba. The 2nd floor meanwhile was completely inaccessible to all of us (I never learned why), so skipping that I soon made my way to the 1st floor.
This floor had the smallest space available for showcasing things, since it had to leave space for the ingress hallway, in which the staff was there to greet everyone, and in which a vending machine was available to quench my thirst. But in the room for vendors (back to white tile flooring) there was equipment and instruction manuals on sale, alongside a weird tank of some kind. I’d been told about the tank from June back when I’d initially met up with them earlier that morning, but I still didn’t quite know what it was or what was in it. Moving in for a closer look I was greeted by an apologetic vendor (all the people at this tank were dressed in odd costumes with their company logo of Zentai printed on them) who said that I was simply too tall to enter the tank. I was surprised, then realized I shouldn’t have been, then shrugged my shoulders and decided to check out the rest of the room. Once again I saw someone happy as a clam as a dominatrix of some sort had her way with him. Though in this case he was being whipped by a riding crop instead of slapped by a strapon. And once again I failed to find Maria or Ayaka.
I supposed at that point that they simply were not in attendance at that event. And while I certainly enjoy going to these events and meeting new and interesting people, very little on sale at that event particularly interested me. So after only half an hour of a six hour event, I’d already gotten a basic idea of things, and had quite a lot of time to kill.
However, lest you think we’re near the end of this story, I haven’t yet talked about the shows! Yes, that section of the 5th floor that I mentioned earlier, there were to be four shows on display throughout the day in that area, with a half-hour time period between each show and the first show starting in thirty minutes. Checking my notes and the map one last time, I soon had formulated a plan for the day. I would catch each show, and then in the rest periods between get the pictures and merch that I knew you readers would want. It was perfect. All I needed now was to get up to the 5th floor in time for the first show.
Shouldn’t be too hard, thought I, as I naively entered the elevator and pushed the button. Only a few minutes, right? Then as the doors shut, I suddenly remembered my earlier experience, and before I could even scream I found myself trapped in the endless nightmare once again.
Did I make it out? I mean, obviously I did, I’m here to tell the tale of it, after all. But did I at least make it out in enough time to see the first show of Fetifes? Well, you’ll just have to wait until the next chapter to find out!

By Anton Algren @ August 31st, 2023

By Anton Algren @ April 9th, 2024

By Anton Algren @ July 27th, 2024