Oppaira's JAV Plot/Theme Tier List - Part 3 - B Tier First Half

Published : August 4th, 2024 Written by Oppaira

Hey guys, Oppaira here, back at it for part three of my plot/theme tier list. I've split this one into two since it's quite large so enjoy the first half of B tier!

Ah yes BBC, a love it or hate it genre, except in my case where it's just okay. Don't get me wrong, I do like it, but it's not my favourite genre. BBC films are generally premised around the fact that they're black to some varying degree whether that's him being a foreigner staying with them, them going to America, or the even more generic black guy with a big cock. It can really hit when it's on and the actress is super into it.

There are a couple of big (ha, get it) reasons why it's only a B tier theme. For one, videos do end up being quite bland, and very rarely get something interesting. Marina Shiraishi has one with a guy named Stephen a few years back that was great and it stands out so much in my mind not because the video was good but because it wasn't the generic stuff we tend to get, especially these days. The same is even more true for Ai Uehara's African safari video. Even the trips to America they used to do are far and few between if at all these days and it's just not the same. The other is that actresses often can't really take it. Instead of making some sort of a spectacle out of it you instead just get that generic stuff we all love to hate. Nobody really wants to see her just sit there and take it even if she might not be ready to do much more. As a result I'm just always super underwhelmed and too many videos are unwatchable.

Bunnygirls are hot, let's just get that out of the way. You see your favourite actress wearing those cute ears and you just want to love them even more. What kind of person doesn't like seeing a hot girl in a hot outfit? Whether it's a simple pair of ears and that's it or the full shebang with the reverse suit it's going to be a pleasant time.

Bunnygirl is just one of those overdone genres now. At first it was cool to see them in a new outfit that shone. These days when every actress has done it and some have done it multiple times (heck, Julia did it twice last year alone) then it's a little bit difficult to enjoy it with the same enthusiasm. Videos often end up being a little bit more bland on the assumption that the outfit alone will carry the video. That's usually not quite enough and some videos just don't meet the mark. They try and trick you that three actresses is somehow going to be fundamentally different than any other three actress video and spoiler, it's not. It's just the same video under the guise of a better visual which, let's face it, gets boring after a while.

CFNM. Clothed Female Nude Male. Wait a second, we're going the wrong way, go back! CFNM is a surprisingly fun genre that you don't really get until you watch it for the first time. Like I can see a hot chick walking down the street and go "damn I bet her boobs are fantastic" or that look when you walk behind someone on the stairs with a nice ass and aren't sure whether to look away and be respectful or just take the opportunity to stare at the sun. So of course naturally you want to see what's under there but what if you just didn't? The way you see a nice pair of boobs jiggling in a top that's clearly way too tight for them is just incredible. Like you want to see what's under the hood and you absolutely can. Or you can just keep getting teased over and over by it until you're done the deed and realized they weren't nude and you still loved it. Maybe they might pull down their top for a minute just to give you something but even just a straight tease alone for a full two hours can be great.

CFNM is an interesting genre because it depends so heavily on both the actress and the outfits. Simply put: not every outfit looks great on an actress. You really need certain types of clothing that suit them, like tight fitting clothing that will hug their tits and give you this nice silhouette of their body. Certain clothes that are more revealing like the Mako Oda dress there can work too, but when you get over to the sweater Yuri Oshikawa is wearing, it's just not the same as Anri's leopard top. And of course, it works so much better for bustier actresses with slimmer figures. It's not the same if what jiggles is their belly fat, or even worse there's no jiggle because they're flat.

Haren content is something I enjoy from time to time. The idea of not one actress but a plethora of actresses is great. Maybe you're getting a foursome maybe you're getting 10 actresses but either way it's great to see a bunch of ladies on screen. Maybe one actress might not be doing that well but the group of them together gives you a lot more chances. Maybe this one is being dull but the next one won't be, right? Or if they both are then I guess I'll just take the fact there's so much eye candy that I can keep darting around and not get too hung up on the performance. Even if the theme isn't anything special that often doesn't matter with the cognitive overload you get. Like forget trying to pay attention to a complex narrative, you've got all the visual stimulation you could ever need (and as I like to say, porn needs to be visually pleasant first and foremost).

The obvious problem (or maybe not so obvious to some) is the overload of actresses. It's hard to pay attention and fully soak it in when there's too much going on. I can enjoy one actress to myself, I can perhaps enjoy two at the same time when my mind can split focus between them. Like if I'm banging one and they're making out with each other at the same time, that I can manage. Or maybe I'm banging one and the other is shoving their tits in my face, okay cool. But when there's 10 of them? Yeah no, absolutely no way that I am going to figure that out. Even the actresses themselves sometimes struggle to figure it out. Okay there's too many people in my way what am I supposed to do, just stand around? Or hell she looks hot having sex beside me so I guess I'll just stop and watch and forget that I'm supposed to do something. And when you get such a large group it's nearly impossible to even have a group you enjoy similar amounts. The last video on the image above is a nice exception where all four ladies are in my top 20 actresses, but on the left you've got two as high as my top 5 and then three I don't ever watch. It's like a bowl of Halloween candy, sometimes you pull out a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and other times you pull out black licorice.

Jailbreak as a plot? Yeah, it's not that common of a plot but it's surprisingly pretty solid. The actress escapes prison and hides in a random guy's house. When he finds her she decides she is sexually frustrated and uses him to satisfy her urges. The guy tends to know what's up and it nicely balances this sense of fear (what if she's a dangerous criminal) with this dominant side (you think I'm dangerous so you'll do as I say). I always love watching them eat some food while the guy is eating her out or any of the other ways they dominate him. And actresses usually look quite nice, maybe not as muscular as the covers would indicate but usually there are actresses like Touka or Yuki that do have good definition and can fit the "I've been working out every day" vibe.

One of the biggest challenges with jailbreak is that it's hard to do well. It's very demanding from the actress and not very many of them actually have the skills to do it well. A couple of them have ended up on top lists for me, some have been a bit disappointing because they're close, and then some have just been awful. And as much as I like the theme it's extremely one dimensional. Very few studios actually do it and they all pick the same plot. Like don't have to stumble into some dude's house randomly, you could go somewhere else, or who knows you could do a prison break itself and show content at the prison. Or maybe the police come and you're naked and they cave in and have sex with you first. It's all the same theme but interesting and unique in ways that would be entertaining.

Whether you call it secret agent or female investigator or whatever you do, one thing is clear: chicks in leather suits are hot. That's the simple endgame here, get yourself in some sort of leather suit and I'm in. Maybe it's glossy, maybe it's matte, but either way you know you're in for a visual treat. I also like giving them a more dominant scenario to play out, at least in the early part. Hitomi with a mad facial expression? Hell yeah! She's cute when she's mad, am I right?

Now, this theme is only in B tier and there are some good reasons. For one, they seem to use other outfits sometimes. You can see it in Ai Uehara's entry on the left and while it's nice it's not leather outfit nice. Second is that the videos usually end up less than wholesome in a way that isn't as good as say the jailbreak theme where the actress gets to be more in charge. And lastly the videos are far too often the exact same thing. She goes an investigates some company, catches them doing stuff, gets captured herself. There's so little originality that it often just becomes "does this actress look nice in the outfit". Sure, the answer will often be yes but when you've seen some of the greats physical beauties like Hitomi and Meguri in them, well, there's not a lot left that can top it and be interesting. It also doesn't help that the older crowd at Madonna isn't doing this either so quite a few I like just never do this theme.

Swimsuit is one of those iconic visual themes since you've seen it a thousand times growing up. You've gone to the pool and seen some women in bathing suits, you've gone to the beach and seen them in bikinis, and if you're lucky enough to be Japanese you saw them in competitive swimsuits in swim class. It's also nice because it has a good amount of variety from the different types whether it's competitive, a bikini, or even that slingkini in the second film above. Having that kind of variety is great to keep things feeling fresh and there's a lot you can do with a theme premised on visual effects. Sure, maybe you don't want to have a swimsuit in an apartment (that's never stopped them) but you can go to the beach or the pool and get a decent variety going.

One really lacking element of this theme is that it's difficult to pull off semi-clothed themes. With CFNM above it's easy to just keep them completely clothed and call it a day. With swimsuits they tend to prefer lifting down the top and showing those puppies, like you see in the fourth video on the right. Sure, I get it, I too want to see Yuria's tits, but I also want to see the tits in the swimsuit bouncing around. It's really tough to pull it off just right and too often it ends up being a mess. Studios are also bad at utilizing water in videos. I don't know why but they just never want to get in the actual pool. I mean sure, I can imagine sex in a pool isn't easy to do but you kind of have to, right? Like I don't want to see your teacher bring you back home and then change into a swimsuit that's just odd.

Virgin woman, you mean virgin woman, right? Nope, I don't. Let's face it, there are no virgins in porn. Or at least very very few, as I'm sure ZENRA will come shouting "but we have a video with a real virgin!". Call it however you want but this theme is pretty popular and I for one don't mind it. I feel like most people can remember how awkward their first time was, someone's always got a crazy story. Well what if your story was a hot actress like Ai Sayama taking your virginity? Or what if it was the crazy hot girl from class that you couldn't stop staring at? There's all sorts of ways to spin this whether it's simple or complex and it allows you to experience it from different angles. Maybe yours wasn't quite as fun and maybe you can relive something more interesting, or maybe you get to experience going wild with the woman of your dreams. I mean let's face it, if Hitomi had taken my virginity oh man what a dream come true that would have been.

Now, it's only in B tier because videos are really awkward with the guy being a virgin. It usually goes one of two ways: he properly does it or is a pro. When they properly do it then videos are super clumsy, the guy cums like instantly, and scenes are boring. Duh, I'm not going to enjoy the guy blowing his load in 30 seconds, I just won't. On the flip side that's the kind of appropriate thing you want. If the guy takes 30 minutes to cum then it's super awkward seeing him last forever. And sure, everyone is going to be different but not every film calls for it. Like if you're doing the virgin theme as the entire narrative then I get the camera being there and making it difficult, but not when it's part of a plot. That dude is probably a pro actor and needs to cum fast which again isn't going to be satisfying. The whole thing just ends up as a mess at the end of the day and you're left being unsatisfied with it. And honestly, not even every actress does it well. Sometimes they're equally dull and boring and I just can't really enjoy.

That brings us to the end of part three. Here is the updated tierlist as it stands so far. I hope you've enjoyed seeing me rank different themes and hope you'll join me for B tier part 2.


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