Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

10 RESULTS FOR: noa haruna
A first impression of 2023 debut actress Noa Haruna
Another month has come and gone bringing us plenty of new JAV releases. Join me as I take a look at eight of them and see how they fare.
Busty maids, lots of tittyfucking and a juicy doujinshi adaptation are on the menu today for Pan Takes. Come join me to see what new JAV releases are worth a watch.
Oppaira's drafting new rosters across the industry starting off with Oppai who has been down in the dumps recently. Come find out who's on their new roster!
My 2023 retrospective rolls on as I take a look at some of the biggets winners and losers from the year along with my favorite debuts and honorable mentions that just barely missed the top 20.
Catch up on some more of the hottest JAV releases from the month of January including some sexy nurses and the latest from S1's busty superstar, Haru Minato.
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Oppaira previews some upcoming JAV debuts in 2024
Join me as I close out the month of November by going over some of my most notable JAV releases of the month!
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Oppaira shares another 10 of the top tits from active actresses
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A different perspective. Ranelar explores his favorite JAV breasts in 2022 so far.

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