JAV Director Oppaira - Milfy Apartment - Season 1 Episode 1

Published : January 25th, 2024 Written by Oppaira

Welcome to the first episode of Milfy Apartment. As I mentioned in my previous post I've got a lot of wonderful ideas for this series and what each episode is going to be. Without further ado I present season one episode one!


Yuki moves to a small town to live with his grandmother while attending college. Miki happens to be the landlady for a small apartment complex, and unbeknownst to Yuki it's filled with gorgeous older women. While moving in he runs into this beautiful older woman, Ryo Ayumi, who he finds out is his neighbour. Miki is forever getting him to help Ryo out with things and Yuki can't help but be extremely attracted to Ryo. At the same time Ryo takes notice, and with her husband not quite satisfying her lately she looks to Yuki to fill in.

Intro 1

Our video start off episode one with Yuki moving in with his step-grandmother Miki Yoshii. When moving in he sees Ryo, this beautiful woman, and stops dead in his tracks. Before he's caught staring a little too long Miki comes over and notices, a big smile on her face that Yuki is able to meet her. She introduces Ryo as the neighbour and they exchange pleasantries. She goes off to do some errands and Yuki asks Miki a bit more about her. Miki explains that she's married and her husband is often quite busy, so Miki is often helping around with things. She then mentions to Yuki it would be fantastic if he could help out too, and being the thoughtful guy he is he of course says yes.

I'm totally picturing something like the left imagine where Yuki is carrying boxes to the apartment and runs into Ryo. It's a good thing I've seen that Yui Katou video because it's the only one I know of that features the moving that I'm looking for to really illustrate what I'm envisioning. The photo on the right is just Ryo outside an apartment looking stunning as ever. I'd probably clothe her similar to Yui on the left in jeans and a plain shirt just to emphasize things being a bit more casual and Ryo being just whatever MILF happened to be his neighbour.

Intro 2

In our second scene we see Yuki in the living room when Miki enters and says Ryo needs some help next door. Yuki heads over and finds that Ryo is having some trouble with her air conditioner. He sees Ayumi in a rather revealing tank top given the heat in her apartment. He gets up on the ladder to help her and every time he turns around he's getting a crazy look at her chest from the tank top being super revealing. He can't help but get bricked up and Ryo is a little surprised but also kind of into it. He finishes up and politely excuses himself, Ryo realizing he was a bit flustered from his erection he couldn't really hide.

The very first thing that came to mind for the first episode was to have Yuki helping around the apartments. Miki is clearly a bit older and could use his help, and as a bitter (from not getting in to a good school) college student finding a way to convince him to help would be great. My mind then immediately went to the broken AC trope that I've seen in videos before and I can recall a couple off my head, one starring Yua Mikami and another starring Meguri. I think the Yua style makes a lot more sense here but as long as it gets him hard that's all that matters. I like it with him being on the ladder doing the work because it puts him in a position to be hard where he can't really avoid her noticing. You also just get a better look from the downblouse as I think Ryo does look quite a bit nicer from the front.

My other thought here is to keep things clean. I think doing so adds a lot of tension to the video and I think it can work out fairly well. We don't need to get fully down to business yet so long as we: A) give people something entertaining, B) don't dally too long, and C) have our next scene be heavily packed. We could very reasonably finish both this and the intro before it in 15 minutes or less so we'll still have nearly 90% of the video to do actual things with.

Scene 1

In our first scene Yuki gets out of the shower and Miki mentions to him that Ryo once again needs some help with something. He goes over, knocks on the door, but hears no answer. The door is unlocked though and he wanders in presuming she must be busy with whatever she needed help with. He hears some faint noises from the bedroom and when he walks over he overhears Ryo masturbating calling out his name. He's caught like a deer in the headlights until Ryo notices and motions for him to come join her. "Just the person I was looking for, my pipes could use a good cleaning" and she pulls Yuki in to start eating her out. Eventually she pulls down his pants, reveals his rock solid cock, and the two are off to the races having sex with Ryo finally getting the release she's been craving.

The way I see the scene going I'm not quite envisioning the guy masturbating in the doorframe like the first picture indicates but I'm totally imagining Ryo on the bed masturbating like in the second photo and the guy right there watching for a moment or two. I'm also imagining her calling for him to join and pulling him in just like in the image from Rena Momozono on the right. The sort of "hey get down there and help me out" vibe is perfect for the video as it's a blend of hot while also staying true to the whole "helping" theme it has. Ryo is the unsatisfied MILF who needs Yuki to pleasure her and she's definitely going to dictate the pace of the video the way that photo does.

Scene 2

In the second scene we see Yuki coming home shouting "tadaima!" as he enters. He finds Ryo sitting at the table with Miki and is a bit surprised to see her there. She has a snack on the table that they're sharing, which she brought over to say thanks for all his help. Ryo motions for Yuki to sit beside her and the three of them get to chatting. While there Ryo starts jerking him off with Miki right there. You start seeing Yuki squirming a bit as it's all a bit much to process but it's hard to refuse Ryo. Miki notices when Yuki finally cums and asks if he's okay to which he mentions he's probably catching a cold. Worried for him, Ryo suggests for Miki to go to the convenience store and grab some medicine while she helps him out, and we see Miki get up and leave the apartment. Ryo then pulls out her cum-covered hand and tells him he made a real mess not like her crummy husband. She also notices he's still hard and blows him there in the few minutes before Miki returns, the scene fading when he finishes on her face before Miki's back.

This is definitely not the first time I've seen people mess around under the table and my thoughts went back to my favourite Aki Sasaki film where she did exactly that. That video wound up having all sorts of incredible risk around the kotatsu but for us we're in the middle of summer and it just doesn't quite make sense, plus we don't really need something quite that style of risky, we just need to create some space. We can get some artistic shots like this but also the more casual atmosphere that's created by Aki not paying too much heed to the act is how I see it playing out, continuing the conversation and letting him squirm a bit without blowing their cover. This was actually the second place my mind went because...

Ryo Ayumi herself has a hentai manga adaptation where she does exactly this. They're literally at the association and she tugs the guy underneath the table in plain sight of everyone, literally having conversations with people as she's jerking off our friend Yuki. Are we recreating something that's already been done? Sort of but that video was so insanely good that I'd be willing to watch this content again. It also just works out extremely well as it creates a spicy dynamic with the risky element being in plain sight of Miki. I haven't quite decided how all the episodes are going to go but I think in saying this there's an obvious place your mind should go to with respect to some sort of grand finale.

Scene 3

In scene three Yuki once again finds himself knocking on Ryo's door to help her with something. When he walks in she's immediately all over him, pulling down his pants ready to go at it. Of course, the mere mention of going over to Ryo's place makes him hard as he's come to expect this from her. The scene spends more time on the foreplay, this time finally getting some proper paizuri, before settling in to a sex scene right in the entranceway.

My mind was drawn to a series that Nao Masaki has directed a few times for Madonna. They always manage to have a scene right in the entranceway like this that I really love and it's perfectly fitting for this. No fluff needed, we can get straight to business since we know exactly what we want. This lets us get the maximum amount of screen time for sex in while maintaining the narrative quite well. I also want it to feel much more like a foreplay scene than a sex scene and perhaps we might only consider having Ryo ride him in cowgirl and possibly even a fade out while she's still riding him. Since the video is only going to end up with four scenes in total I want to make sure we're not overloading it with intercourse. We can certainly go over the 120 minute mark if needed but I think it really does need to be at most 150 minutes.

Scene 4

In the final scene we start off with Miki leaving the apartment and running into Ryo. She mentions to Ryo she's out to do some errands and Ryo asks where Yuki is. Miki mentions he's still at home, she doesn't need him and besides, he must be tired with helping Ryo all the time. "Yeah, I do ask for his help a little too much chuckle but he's just such an amazing helper!". As soon as Miki heads off Ryo opens the door to the apartment and is all over him. The two start banging right in the kitchen and wind up eventually in the bedroom to finish things off.

Once again my mind immediately went to a specific series from H.m.p that I watched way back in 2017. The premise of that series was quite nuanced but the relevant part is the actress coming over in the final scene ready to have sex. They were great about doing it all over the apartment in that series especially right in the kitchen. That's exactly the vibe that I want to recreate here, something steamy that goes hard right from the start. Where the scene before has sex in the entranceway I want this one to utilize other spaces so we're definitely keeping it in the kitchen, having sex on the counter and moving to other places in the apartment. I'd want to go to the table we used before as well as a couch in the living room area and finally to some sort of bedroom. I think you could realistically go either way on the bedroom having a bed or a futon but it's important to think through all the remaining episodes (and I haven't yet) because that's going to be his bedroom for several episodes.

In the two photos above we have An Sasakura with her 92H tits and Yuri Oshikawa with her 93H tits, and those photos quite nicely approximate what content with Ryo would actually look like. Ryo's slightly smaller at 90G but it's close enough to give you the right look and feel.

Episode Philosophy

To start off we have our casted actress, the lovely Ryo Ayumi. Picking for the first episode my philosophy was wanting someone who has general appeal. Yuki is going to find out during his adventures that he's a horny guy who can't help himself who eventually develops a thing for mature women. That being said, to start off we want someone who he's going to enjoy either way simply because they're undeniably attractive. I find Ayumi looks great, she certainly doesn't look like she's 40 and her nice 90cm G cup boobs are great without being too big or small to turn people off. She's the sort of actress you'll look at and go "okay, okay, yeah I see what you mean about older women".

Another thing I really like about this is having the two stars have chemistry together. The pair have worked together around half a dozen times by my count which I think is pretty good in terms of building up some chemistry. They've also done several films together where Yuki is a complete virgin and I can imagine setting the story up like that. I don't think it's something you explicitly need to call attention to but you can set the first scene up in a way where Ryo is leading the reigns and giving Yuki a bit of space to figure things out.

With that we have my first director episode in the books. I hope you've enjoyed peeking into my director brain and seeing what I have cooked up. Like I said in my series overview post, I've got two full seasons already loosely planned out in my head. This episode was relatively timid but don't worry, I've got a few crazier ideas in my head. I'm excited to keep sharing more episodes with you as well as a few other stories I've cooked up over the years. I'd really love it if people could share their thoughts on this whether they liked the concept but also what they thought about the episode itself. Thanks for reading, see you all back for episode two!


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