Rika Aimi - Chikan at School

Published October 22, 2021

#Subtitled #HD #Exclusive

JAV movies with chikan theme usually take place on trains. This time, we move it do a school, but keep all the realism intact!

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Rika Aimi - Chikan at School

Curve-ball JAV movies.  A concept I've written on before and one I love seeing in the wild.  For those not familiar with the term--or at least my take on it--this is when JAV studios that generally release certain types of movies push out something totally unexpected.  It's as if ROCKET decided to produce a pure drama movie.  The general reasoning is simply to test the waters.  Sure, a studio may be known for certain themes, but that doesn't mean they should be locked into making them!

In it most recent incarnation, DREAM TICKET has been known to be a maker of harder movies.  Often times they'll feature rough editing (and I mean this in a good, intentional way), guerrilla plots, and for some reason I still am unsure of, not actually crediting directors to make the movies feel more authentic.  Think 'found footage' rather than professionally-produced JAV.  Take today's update, CHIKAN AT SCHOOL.  On one hand, it has all the ingredients you'd expect in a DREAM TICKET title:  a hard theme, the rough editing (think hard cuts and the like), and a guerrilla vibe.  But it has a lot more going for it too that the trailer and the screenshots to the left of this should make apparent:  a HUGE cast of both male and female students, access to very varied sets, and some of the best examples of 'hold the moan' sex ever shot.

Generally when one hears the word 'chikan', you'd assume it would be about groping on trains.  That location is the only thing lacking here.  This time we're shown something filmed entirely at school.  The classroom, library, gym, and even pool (!) are used to great effect.  RIKA AIMI nails her role and I'm surprised to see DREAM TICKET go all out recruiting such a huge cast.  While RIKA is the only one who gets skin and sex time, CHIKAN AT SCHOOL certainly is a JAV movie that cost way more than normal to film.  The only thing that comes close is DREAM TICKET's recently shot slightly darker take on that big butt schoolgirl bus movie we showed some time ago (we'll probably be showing it at a later date).

Visually, this is a wonderful movie.  Aurally, it's also fantastic.  Though we should note now due to how there is no real dialog between RIKA and her partner, we opted to forgo subtitling this.  There's background chatter in the form of schoolgirl gossip, people playing sports, and lecturing teachers, but it's all irrelevant to the risqué play happening in the foreground.  This is a movie full of sex in the craziest places, squeezing down and low when friends look away, and seeing how far one can go without being caught (spoiler:  insanely far).

Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 1

4 Files 4.49GB


Production Quality
Overall Satisfaction


+Great theme pulled off without a hitch.
+Huge cast, extremely varied sets.
+Surprisingly realistic.
+Underwater handjob cumshot (!).


-No real dialog between RIKA and her partner.
-All other female classmates remain clothed.

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