Yuu Kawakami - Late Night Bus Guerrilla AV Special
Published December 25, 2017
#Subtitled #Exclusive #ClassicJAVWho knows whether or not this is staged but JAV legend Yuu Kawakami goes on an unforgettable bus ride followed by public indecency via RADIX.

Yuu Kawakami - Late Night Bus Guerrilla AV Special
with English Subtitles
The time’s shortly past 11PM and JAV legend Yuu Kawakami and Director Kikurin board a late night highway bus. They sit in the back--delinquent corner as it’s known--and as soon as the lights go off, sexual mischief begins in earnest. This is risk city for Yuu whom has to stifle her cries of passion lest actual real passengers and the bus driver himself take notice!
The LATE NIGHT BUS GUERILLA AV SPECIAL series I've known about for quite awhile, but was always on the fence about showing up until recently...and I've been an idiot for waiting this long! I'm going to admit that the box covers themselves (there's five released so far) don't really push the public exposure insanity factor as hard as they should. What you see really is just a cute AV star in winter raiment posing by a bus station. Big whoop.
This is a really interesting series that still shows us it's possible to film public nudity titles in the modern era. Of course, the modern-modern era--NOW--makes it even harder unless that industry-wide "no shooting sex outside no matter what!" ban is lifted (update: looks like there are studios shooting outside again now!)
What YUU KAWAKAMI does in this title is pretty darn extreme and absolutely daring beyond belief. I can't say for sure if the initial bus portion that makes up about half of the title's 120 minute runtime is staged or not. I really tried to figure this one out too and there were aspects of it that made me think it was just a rented bus on a shorter trip than noted (no advertisements nor bus company logos within the bus and no bathroom in the back in spite of a trip that's supposed to run the entire night?). The bus driver though made the types of standard announcements you'd always hear when riding 'highway buses' and RADIX, the producer of this movie, is not known for splurging extra by renting a full-sized bus for a shoot. The bus was also pretty packed.
What's definitely staged about the bus ride portion is that the back of the bus at least was filled with people in the know. Anyone who has seen RADIX titles will see some familiar faces. This wasn't done covertly as the director made it clear to both YUU and the audience that they were also going on the trip to [Redacted].
Fake or not, seeing YUU KAWAKAMI, a bona fide JAV legend embarrassingly strip stark naked in a bus and engage in some really daring sex acts stopping just short of full-on intercourse (that she kept on being denied until the end of the last scene!) was majestic. Seeing her crawl down the aisle in a sheer leotard was majestic's even grander bigger brother of an adjective. At this point, I didn't care if the bus was rented out to RADIX or not; I was just watching magic in the making and enjoyed every moment of it.
Director Kikurin once again helmed GUERILLA AV SPECIAL. I'm fast becoming fond of his titles and glad he gets many opportunities. Granted, most of it seems to be more of a 'director for hire' where he just directs titles that have themes that are already decided (at least that's what I make of it) whereas his smaller output with RADIX sees him pushing out all his extra bizarre passion projects. We've already shown a few like TEASING THE UGLY (that we had to remove due to it being too 'hard' for western audiences), AV ACTOR AUDITION, and THE HOMELESS AV STAR. He's also starred in a few titles with RADIX as well.
Out of all the LATE NIGHT GUERILLA titles, I'd say YUU's is the 'hardest'. It's non-bus portions pretty much have her outside stark naked without respite and the sex at the end in the rain looked incredible. Usually wet weather can totally mess up outdoor filming, but seeing a naked and deliriously horny YUU swallow dicks whole before being taken from behind by KIKURIN himself as the skies darkened and the drizzle turned into a downpour was captured beautifully. It was wet, messy, and intensely sexual.
HIBIKI OTSUKI also did a title in this series with better weather and just as much public nudity that we may show in the future. Other JAV stars also have done some, but going by the preview images, the true blue outdoor portions are minimal and most of the sex after the initial bus ride happens in the ryokan itself. We'll probably skip those unless we really get a lot of anxious fan mail.
YUU KAWAKAMI is still active and hopefully she will keep pushing out titles for years to come. She truly is a woman who is still coming into her beauty and I can easily see her being the next YUMI KAZAMA by keeping active in front of the screen in her birthday suit as she nears the big 5-0.
A Message to subscribers and also potential subscribers: this movie is labeled as an Exclusive release because this is the first official presentation of it outside of Japan. We would like to know your impressions of this production. Did you like it? Did you not? Your feedback is truly appreciated as it can help us decide the best possible Japanese adult video entertainment for you from here on out. Don't be shy and please feel free to contact us with your thoughts!
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 1112
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Yuu Kawakami - Late Night Bus Guerrilla AV Special
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