Japanese Lesbian Oil Massage with Subtitles

Published January 1, 2013

#Subtitled #ClassicJAV

Japanese housewives and office ladies take time out of their torpid schedules for a holistic lesbian themed oil massage like no other with subtitles.

Lesbian Este Salon 2
Part One with English Subtitles

Once upon a time well before the birth of mega-metropolises that dot the increasingly crowded lowland Japanese landscape that exists today, your average Japanese home dweller spent their days tilling the multi-generational cultivated land while residing in a large, open-aired traditional wooden house that was heaven in the summer with gentle drafts from the otherwise muggy summer infernos but were a thing of nightmares during the wintry months where hallway breezes could cause frost to shed its gelid vizard every morning on the edges of one's bed sheets. Nowadays, with more and more of the elegiacally dwindling Japanese population moving to cities leaving the rice paddies dry and cracked and the fields untilled attracting a population of insatiable weeds that even the most courageous and strong-armed farm-clinger would have issues removing, the countryside Japanese lifestyle that has seen bounteous summers beyond counting is living in a pale shadow of its glory days under a crepuscular fading light.

Doom and gloom aside, with more people living in tiny, cramped apartments, the urge to explore oneself becomes a daily struggle as the insatiable stress from overwork in crowded artificially lit boxes hunkered down in cheap office chairs all day provides. Your average Japanese housewife doesn't have this issue but does face ennui from different outlets and torpidity can be just as harsh on them as it is on their overworked yet underused salaryman husbands.

The physical yet rewarding trials of working the fields have been swept away and in its place, pale shadows in the form of fitness clubs where progress is mainly measured by reps and sets with droplets of ambrosial sweat flying to and fro after many minutes slogging away on a walking machine on a road to nowhere while zoning out watching the latest (yet recycled) drama on TV and counting down the minutes to the chime announcing the end of another miasma-induced training session. For many Japanese housewives looking for an answer to their boredom, this pathway only can enlighten a select few while most quit early on due to lack of tangible progress.

Fortunately an answer has been found in the form of a unique massage clinic spreading quicker than an unchecked arson-induced forest fire in the American southwest. Massage clinics aren't new and even though this one has a strictly enforced women-only policy, nothing really innovative is brought to the forefront. Female only spas and clinics have been around for a long time mainly due to the fact that your average Japanese spa is essentially one large room with curtain dividers rather than individual private rooms that are more common in western countries and select Japanese uber-spas.

Today's clinic offers a more private service in one's own room that is bedizened with a gamut of flora and fauna and natural lighting to promote optimal relaxation. What makes it different and what truly is offered for its revolving door client base of impetuous Japanese milf housewives is a special and very secret (as is mentioned very often as the production unfolds) service that promotes extreme holistic rejuvenation.

What could they be offering and why only offer it behind closed doors? Could it be some exotic aroma oil imported from an embargoed country? Perhaps a treatment involving cremes that originate from endangered species? In actuality, it's neither.

Rather, it's a big, industrial strength vibrator and curious yet skilled feminine fingers attached to a smooth amorous voice working in unison to achieve lesbian-themed orgasms like no other.

This special Japanese massage clinic -- or este in the local tongue -- features a few keenly positioned hidden cameras for research purposes and with panty clad yet otherwise naked Japanese milf client after milf client brought in, we are in for a very interesting take on what happens in one of the unique private rooms of this burgeoning women-only massage spa.

Each scene starts with an in-charge yet sultry uniformed clad Japanese massage therapist escorting her topless towel-clad client into the room while urbanely collecting her soft cambric shroud of modesty leaving her standing nearly naked in some very sheer panties that make no attempt to hide ample Japanese pubis. Instructed to lie on the bed--sometimes face up and other times face down so her plump slightly mature behind is fully exposed, the masseuse lathers up her hands with exotic ambrosial oils and gets to work.

Generally starting with a lower body rub down with sensual caresses of taut hamstrings and overworked calves from an abundance of shopping, small talk ensues about this and that--the best skin care regimen, stresses from life, the importance of weight training yet lack of drive, and more. Eventually, the massage segues to the upper body and with the towel long gone and the client now flipped over, her chest receives a tender treatment part shiatsu part erotically sensual going considerably beyond what a regular massage entails.

A simple full body rub down turns into something more as the small talk between masseuse and milf client suavely switches from the mundane worries about daily life into the kinky realm of bisexualism and all the while, her skilled, smooth hands draw circles of increasingly narrow diameter around gradually hardening nipples.

Eventually the circles converge around the hard nubs and a knowing smile and determined fingers commence a very concentrated nipple massage complete with tender tweaking and even some light oral venery. Some clients thoroughly enjoy this with eyes shut along with a slightly upturned mouth in a grin signaling their unchecked lesbian massage fantasies may about to come true. Others though, although visible react as expected to this sensual sexual probing of their more sensitive and very exposed areas, query the massage therapist about the type of massage they are receiving: "Is it normal to massage this area?", "I have to remove my panties now, too?", "How come your finger is resting on my anus?"

Eventually the breast massage concludes with grace but with time still left on the clock--ample time really--the masseuse still clad in her white cleanly-pressed uniform moves back down south and removes her client's panties like a dominant lesbian paramour and gets to work drawing circles again however this time with the target being a darker and wetter area where brutally powerful orgasms are born and sexual reservations shattered.

From a client's standpoint, exiting one's normal mundane life and entering a clinic limned in sensual natural lighting complete with an attractive and in-charge massage therapist guiding your every action and promoting stress relief feels like a dream come true. Now lying stark naked on a massage bed totally exposed without a towel or any reach of modesty in sight and with legs spread wide as that welcoming massage therapist has her coquettish face only breaths away from your dripping and until-today unsullied slit is a volte-face like no other. Alternating between tender fingering that no male partner let it be husband or hush-hush tryst in a gaudy Japanese love hotel could ever master, the buildup of a lesbian-influenced orgasm is undeniable and with graceful alternation between fingers, tongue, and even a extra large industrial strength vibrator, it surely arrives.

The force of some of these milf client's orgasms is shattering. With hips gyrating at near ludicrous speeds and the bed shaking with more unchecked gusto than a poorly constructed sub-woofer in a underpowered imported rice rocket, a caterwauling cry of "Iku!"--or in English, "I'm cumming!" topples the foundations of the room like a low flying passenger jet and the realization that one's first ever lesbian encounter with a heavy CFNF (clothed female nude female) influence has been achieved. Who knew a simple massage would lead to unchained pleasures like this?

Lesbian Este Salon is a visual pleasing treat for those who prefer women who've seen more summers than your average adult star. Not to mention that rather than employing a gamut of well known adult film stars, opts to recruit actual Japanese housewives. There are instances in particular where the realism of one's first ever lesbian experience shines bright such as one Japanese milf with eyes shut tight in concert with a knowing smile foretelling her most hidden desires finally seeing the light of day that a real adult film star with a smorgasbord of licentious talents would have a hard time emulating on camera.

Another plus is the fact that the masseuse (who remains the same for the entire production) never breaks character. Always cool, always collected, and with the perfect mix of deviousness and domination not to mention a keen sensual awareness of what makes her fresh faced bisexual playthings tick, fills out her role perfectly as a massage therapist with a kinky lesbian domination streak.

Last but not least is the welcome edition of English subtitles. Although watching a kinky yet erotic Japanese lesbian themed massage unfold through the clever placement of a series of hidden cameras reduces the amount of viable dialogue to a bare minimum compared to some more dialogue-led femdom-inspired productions such as Penis Cleaning, conversations that amplify the on-scene debaucherous lust pop up now and then and not understanding the hidden intentions of the masseuse as she skillfully both physically and aurally guides her stark naked and increasingly damp Japanese milf client into the salacious world of bisexual trysts would be a shame.

The remaining, burning question is just how real these clinics are. Most likely they are out there but their existence, just as the masseuse informs each of her freshly orgasmed red faced milf clients, should remain a secret. Nevertheless, the power of word of mouth is paramount and popularity among the nascent, rising numbers of bored Japanese housewives will surely turn this kinky yet rejuvenating nude lesbian oil massage with orgasm service into a naughty nationwide icon.

3 Files - 436MB









Lesbian Este Salon 2
Part Two with English Subtitles

3 Files - 483MB


Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 0

4 Files 0.00GB


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