Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

120 RESULTS FOR: sales report
It's time for another actress spotlight and who better than the juicy and plump superstar, Misono Mizuhara! Join me as I detail her career so far and dish out ten film recommedations worthy of your time.
JAV Star Aida Asuka tweeted on Feb 23, 2019 & then she went radio silent. We unravel the mystery behind Aida Asuka’s strange death in this article.
What's the buzz in JAV town? Follow this month's top stories. Head over to the blog to get the latest scoop on all things JAV!
In this exclusive feature, we address the fuss regarding the non profit organisation Colaba run by one of Japan's most renowned feminist , Yumeno Nito.
Our community is full of these characters. Which of them do you recognize?
In the latest edition, find out why Rena Miyashita gets criticised & called 'insensitive' on X & more. Take a deep dive!
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Friendships can happen in even the unlikeliest of places. This one is for all the friends in JAV.
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Mr Aka recommends Newhalf Debut JAVs
A protagonist or a mere pawn to the system? In this edition, we delve into the life of the founder of Colabo and her links to a political party that haven't been unraveled before. Take a deep dive!
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What's better than a beautiful woman dressing up as your favorite anime character? If she also has sex! Let's check out some sexy cosplay JAV!
Let's check out some of the many erotic movies of one specific actress - this time, Hibiki Otsuki!
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Luxurious onsens are a common place for steamy JAV sex scenes to play out - let's analyze 10 works with such scenes!

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