Reverse Threesome Dot Com 5
Published June 10, 2022
#Subtitled #HD #ExclusiveCan realistic casting and multiple women per scene make up for a smorgasbord of issues? FFM threesome done right...maybe?

Reverse Threesome Dot Com 5
Timing and Translation by Patonyan
There's a saying that I'm going to badly paraphrase: if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. However, while that holds true in most walks of life, being assigned to write a review, I can either beat around the bush till the very end or deliver something that avoids harsh rebuke and in its place provides some constructive criticism. I'll do my best to deliver the latter and shame on me if the former peeps its ugly head through.
REVERSE THREESOME DOT COM 5 via WAAP is as of writing this at least the final release in their FFM collaboration with a certain production outfit whose name I won't mention (hint, it's in the "code" for this movie and no, that their name bares similarity to ours is purely coincidence). On one hand, we know how much you all love movies that feature multiple women, but on the other, there's this series that took something good and honestly did not shoot it to its full potential.
When it comes to casting, sure, you aren't going to get big names, but we saw some surprising faces. Granted, these were well known actresses already planning to exit (though one made a surprising comeback just a few months ago in a lesbian femdom movie though sadly about 15kg heavier and worse for wear) and sure, not all are lookers, but that--casting 'average' women--is one of the things this series has gotten RIGHT. I actually prefer it that way. It builds on the realism. I absolutely will not knock off points for not casting the world's most beautiful Japanese women. Sadly, beyond casting, we hit rocky territory.
As I've probably noted before, what this series dreadfully lacks is a plot. Seriously, just have each scene be a 'virgin orders delivery health' encounter or if not that, three real life friends play truth or dare and things get out of hand. I mean the possibilities are darn near endless and what do we get in each and every scene? Nothing. Yes, nothing. Random dude operating a camera all by himself with (few exceptions) near mute women. How hard would it have been to add in some semblance of a plot? Sure, if we all had a million dollars, we'd love to do two women at once, but life is also about creativity. There's inputs (great sex) and outputs (great JAV). When you work for a studio, making beauty is just as important as experiencing it.
The lighting? Also poor. Scorched earth at times and even with the aid of natural sun, things don't look much better due to a near lack of vibrant coloring. I"m not a production person, but I think even my mid-range--no, I'll be honest as it's an Oppo--my low range smartphone can shoot better quality footage. I don't know the story here for this particular series, but "JAV studios hanging onto equipment well past their expiration date stubbornly not wanting to upgrade" is a sad occurrence I've seen among other production outfits.
I don't want to trash this movie. REVERSE THREESOME DOT COM 5 really has good casting if realism is your thing. The sex is real, the play is varied (albeit shot in a cruddy apartment), the women sport wonderful bodies (especially the pair in the second scene!). If you just want to see a JAV movie erring on pure sex with little to no plot, this will probably scratch the itch. I really hate to go all out negative and I should note again this was less "WAAP-shot" and more "WAAP-distributed". Their own movies both then and now feature some of the slickest production values of any studio and should not be missed.
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 1074
4 Files 5.01GB
Production Quality
Overall Satisfaction
+Realistic casting. That's it.
-Read the review. Sadly, just too many to list here.
Reverse Threesome Dot Com 5
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