Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

121 RESULTS FOR: alice otsu
It's that time again to crown my choice for star of the year. Who else could it be but the wild and electric Alice Otsu. She came from relative obscurity and rose to the top of the sales charts. Join me in celebrating her monumental year.
What if your superiors came to work in short skirts showing off their big asses? What if they pressed them up against your pants? Would you let them fuck your brains out?
The red hot Alice Otsu is making a huge splash in the industry at the moment thanks to her incredible hustle. Join me as I take a look at her career, her best assets and highlight some recommendations.
The best power couple in JAV right now is back at it with yet another enticing new collaboration. Will the illustrious combo of Alice Otsu and Yayoi Mitzuki deliver another banger or more of a dud? Read on to find out!
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Today’s Red Hot Report stars the tiny devilish petite, a wild and crazy nympho, one plain Milf, and a big mouth beauty. See inside for what is hot in the JAV world.
A first impression of the not quite MILF actress Alice Otsu
Summer is here bringing us plenty of hot new releases. Join me as I take at a look at ten of them and see how they fare.
Catch up on some more of the hottest JAV releases from the month of January including some sexy nurses and the latest from S1's busty superstar, Haru Minato.
We check out Hunter’s sub label Hunter Black for a Label Review. The hardcore spinoff that should interest deepthroating fans. Not for the faint of heart.
I'm back again checking out a brand new actress for myself in Yuzu Sumeragi. She's a super squirter who loves to get wet and wild. Let's see if she's worth a watch or best left behind.
Pan Takes - October 2022

By Panking @ November 14th, 2022

The month of October has come and gone bringing us a wealth of new releases. Join me as I go in-depth with ten of the very best films.
The first half of Jun brings some very notable and interesting videos. From a slate of 8K VR, an Only Fans collaboration between Hitomi and Angela White, to Sumire Mizukawa with Brazzers. Check out all the notable JAV of June here.

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