Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

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The feature you've been asking is finally here! Introducing ZENRA pay-per-video.
Field Reports
For Anton's final fan meet event, he decided to end things as he began, with Mao Hamasaki.
Find out how some salty netizens trolled Yua and how she got back at them, the two big names from JAV featuring in the RGG franchise. Take a deep dive!
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Summer is here (at least in the northern hemisphere) so it's time to pull out those camping tents for some outdoor fun.
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Oppaira is back at it sharing some of his favourite tits, this time featuring a bunch of F cup tits
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It is rare but it happens. We look into the lovely Black actresses to appear in JAV.
Oppaira shares all the new babes in JAV that have him interested in July
Are Nagi Hikaru's new tits a hit or a miss? Has Miyu Kiyohara leveled up? And is Shiori Tsukada still top tier at tittyfucking? All those answers and more in this edition of Pan Takes!
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Oppaira shares his plot/theme tier list part 2, the good but not great
The final part of the ongoing series features her former boss disclosing all the evidence that expose how Eimi was able to forge documents in order to file her taxes.
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The JAV industry is changing, fast, and Taku Yoshimura seems to be slowing down. Who's going to replace him?
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Oppaira shares the second part of his watchlist from June, reviewing the other five videos for the month

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