Julia does Lesbian? Top 5 Carpet Munchers to welcome her!

Hey guys, Oppaira here. At this point I'm pretty sure everyone knows Julia is one of my all-time favourite actresses even despite her being painfully vanilla. She's beautiful, kind, and just generally warms my heart. One thing people might not know is that several years ago some JAV actresses did an AMA on reddit, and Julia was among them. I got the chance to ask her a question and I asked if she would consider doing lesbian. Well, the proof is in the pudding, as they say, so here's the screenshot from that AMA.
Even better yet, we have video evidence from the second AMA where a friend of mine asked her again. Can't argue with video proof.
That was many years ago and times have changed. With Julia still in the industry and Julia still having not done lesbian, it's time for me to go back and pick which actresses to do it. So here are my top five choices, starting first with an honourable mention.
Honourable Mention: Anri Okita, Hitomi, and Kaho Shibuya
This one is an honourable mention because I think the chances of it happening are virtually zero but a man can dream. That would be to do it with some combination of Anri Okita, Hitomi, and Kaho Shibuya. The four of them were the entire cast of the second AMA they did and I know Julia mentioned specifically she was concerned about doing it with them and their huge boobs. I can see why, this image shows you exactly why she would be concerned. Let's face it though, this set of actresses are a lot of the western fan favourites. All of them are among my all-time top 10 and I can't imagine how incredible such a film would be. The other three have each worked with one another and Julia is just this lone one out.
Sadly I think the chances of this are slim to none as Julia is the only one still going. While Anri and Hitomi still have OnlyFans it's not quite the same. I mean maybe there's an outside world where Julia winds up on their OnlyFans, Hitomi and Anri have collaborated as has Hitomi with Angela White. I would think she would be happy to have Julia as a guest but that's basically a hail Mary at this point.
#5 - Asahi Mizuno
Asahi is someone I think would be excellent for Julia to do her first lesbian video with. For starters, and this is a very big deal, Julia is really good friends with Asahi, or at least was. Julia has been in the industry for plenty of years, sure, but this level of camaraderie is something you rarely see from her. I don't know what special powers Asahi has but the two of them just really seemed to hit it off.
Asahi has obviously done plenty of lesbian films over the years. This includes from every angle you can think of, where she's the submissive or where she's the dominant, in solo and group, wearing a strap-on, etc.
This is a bit lower on the list for me because I see it as being a little less realistic. Asahi has moved on from JAV but we've also already seen her come back once, so it's not completely unreasonable to think she might come back a second time. This might be especially true if it's specifically for a video like this that might get her very excited.
Once in a Lifetime Miracle Video! Julia's Best Friend Asahi Mizuno Came Out of Retirement to Break Her Lesbian Ban!
Is the title feel a bit clickbaity? Absolutely. Is it wrong in any way? Absolutely not. That's exactly what's happening and it'll get people buying the DVD. It's a two-for-one special with Asahi doing one last video and Julia doing lesbian for the first time. I'd expect a lot of narrative elements of them hanging out and just enjoying each other's company. Something exactly like the recent Rima Arai and Ena Satsuki video where they essentially go out on a date. Go to the arcade, go eat some food, and just generally treat it like two friends hanging out. Maybe you position it as them being so busy lately that they haven't made time for each other and they're reminiscing.
#4 - Akari Niimura
Sometimes you want to just watch the world burn. Okay maybe not quite that but that's partially how it feels with this suggestion. Akari is a very outgoing person in a way that would have a nice clash of personalities. Where Julia is a more gentle and kind actress, Akari is more dominant and rough. Opposites attract, so they say, and Akari is exactly the kind of actress to generate that juxtaposition.
You can see that in some of the lesbian videos she has done, including a recent on with Riasu Mizutani, where she is all over her. I don't expect Julia to be capable of doing the kind of things Akari might want to do but I can't deny that it would be hot as hell to see her try. Especially with all the strap-on stuff that Akari does, I expect there to be a solid amount of that where Julia will be happy about it.
I Decided to Try Lesbian and this Woman Fucked Me Like a Man
I could see a title like this working out for the two of them. Hone in on the fact that Julia wants lesbian to be less lesbian and I think you can make it work. Honestly, I wouldn't even mind watching a film where Akari was doing more of the work. Akari eating her out more in wild positions instead of having Julia eat her out would be fine (it does need to happen but a disproportionate amount would be okay). We'd also just have strap-on sex as much as possible and I'm never going to say no to that.
#3 - Ena Satsuki
Ena Satsuki has proven herself to be a pretty capable actress and getting the opportunity to take Julia's lesbian virginity would be great. I think one of the better pairings is going the exact opposite direction from the last suggestion: someone who is exactly Julia's type. I want someone who seems kind and gentle, or at least can give off that personality. I've seen that at times from Ena, she seems absolutely capable of being very calm and pleasant, and I think she would try very hard to make Julia's first time a pleasant experience.
I also like Ena because of the clash of ages. Julia's got 10+ years on Ena, enough that the age discrepancy would be a selling point for a video. Even though Ena has been around since 2020 I think the veteran status of Julia will play nicely against Ena being new (at least relatively speaking).
My New Stepdaughter Has the Hots for Me and I Can't Tell My New Husband
I could see a film like this making a lot of sense. I would want to play to the idea of Julia in a plot film because that's where she shines. Imagine Ena is a lesbian already and Julia supports it. Then Ena sees Julia nude, gets turned on, and then wants Julia. This feels simple enough while giving us both benefits of the age discrepancy being embedded in the plot while also giving Julia a plot to work with. Ena can do that kind of performing if the picture above is any indication and this with the other actress being Julia would be hot.
#2 - Yuna Shiina
I've always imagined that a softer MILF actress would be the realistic choice for Julia and it was always a matter of which one it would be. I figure that of all of the ones out there, the one that works for the same agency seems like the most likely candidate. While I don't see them hanging out in the way I do see with some other actresses, I would be surprised if they weren't friends on some level given that Cmore is an agency that likes doing things with the full roster. Let's not forget that the two of them have worked together in the past as well.
Yuna has done lesbian videos in the past so I don't think there's a concern about her not wanting to do it nor being comfortable doing it. Even though that experience is from a long time ago I still think she'll be reasonable. I also think that Yuna will be busty without being bigger than Julia. Yuna is listed at 88F so she's not going anywhere near Julia's 100J size, even after Julia's age has impacted the size she's still not going to eclipse them. They're also the same age with a similar build that suits them well.
When Their Husbands Stopped Caring For Them They Started Caring For Each Other
Yuna is at Madonna right now and I'm totally expecting this to be a studio crossover. Madonna hasn't been shy about them in recent months getting even actresses from S1. I figure why not Julia? Julia's probably at the top of their list of actresses to steal away, let's be real, so I imagine their desire to make something happen is quite high. I'd proposition it as a fairly simple lesbian film where their husbands just don't satisfy them anymore. Perhaps the dude is older and has no libido anymore. We've seen these kind of videos from Madonna recently just that the actress cheats with some younger dude. Why not another chick? One thing leads to another and bam, easy story.
#1 - Hibihata (Hibiki Otsuki and Yui Hatano)
Hibiki Otsuki and Yui Hatano, better known as hibihata, is an obvious clear choice. Everyone knows and loves them and they're an iconic duo in the industry. They've not only popped a lot of lesbian cherries but they even convinced their long time friend AIKA to do it. To my knowledge AIKA hasn't done it outside of with the pair but something about it being them convinced her to do it. I'm sure at this point the trio are friends, they've definitely worked together in the past (in Moodyz's bus tour in 2016) and so there's at least a professional friendship there. Honestly though I'm sure they are friends, you don't become this popular for this long in a small industry like this and not become friends.
I know Julia also has a bit of a complex about working with actresses bustier than her (as the comment said) so Hibihata checks that off. Just like when AIKA did it, I think she would also want someone to make her more comfortable about it, which again there's arguably no better duo than these two.
A Film 10 Years in the Making! Hibihata Finally Get Their Longtime Friend Julia to do Lesbian!
The way I see it is we're going to play on this spin that they're all great friends. Julia isn't in their usual crowd though I would assume they're friends when they've been around a similar amount of time and have been ultra popular the entire time. Spin it as them asking her for several years and finally convincing her, just like what happened in the AIKA one. Will it be the greatest video? No. Will I watch it? Hell yeah, I'll be all over any Julia lesbian video. We've seen so many times where these ban release videos do very well and Julia breaking a ban 15 years into her career will certainly turn heads. As much as I would absolutely love to do something more interesting let's face it, the studio is going to try and make it simplistic because they don't need to do anything more. I would maybe spin it as Julia being apprehensive and watching Hibihata have some fun and then realizing what she's missing out on. Seems easy enough to do and I can just keep it straight to the point. We can also do some strap-on action that the two often do.
Some readers will get to the end and go there's an obvious choice missing. Some might even know that for a fact if they're a friend of mine since I've spoken about it. That's because I have a plan for another post later this year where I outline that in great detail. A full on Director Oppaira shebang. If you're a friend and you read this article, see the omission, and come asking me why, I will quote this section back to you. Read my articles, not just the headline!
At any rate, thanks for reading. I hope you've enjoyed this fun little article, especially the actual proof of Julia being interested. Can we make it happen? I won't hold my breath but I'll stay hopeful. Who would you pick for her first time? Do you want to see it happen? Let me know in the comments. Until next time!

By Panking @ October 28th, 2024

By Panking @ February 19th, 2024

By Panking @ February 21st, 2022