Countryside Prosperity Restoration Program for Gyaru
Published March 26, 2019
#Subtitled #HD #UncensoredGyaru from the city go to the countryside and predicatively have lots and lots of unprotected sex uncensored via DREAMROOM.

Countryside Prosperity Restoration Program for Gyaru
Part One with English Subtitles
(Continue to Delinquency Training Phase)
Warning: older man assigned to write review about loquacious gyaru from the city being shuttled to my backyard to do shoddy fieldwork and instead have sex with each other without even the decency to use protection nor pixelation.
OK, joking aside, once upon a time I really did love gyaru, but my tastes as of late have moved more towards older Japanese women who look natural. Nothing is better than a housewife in her thirties or forties (or fifties if she keeps herself in good health!) trying out JAV for the first time. Put her in a zany situation but keep reactions genuine and things get even better (perfect example).
Today's update--along with its second half we'll be showing later this month--is all about miscreant youth doing the unthinkable under a blue sky. OK, COUNTRYSIDE PROSPERITY RESTORATION PROGRAM FOR GYARU was actually shot on a mildly overcast day, but still, it was shot entirely outside and it should get credit for that. The cast is also huge with many actresses though only two get proper billing in spite of marginal amounts of nudity and sexual play from most all of them.
Then again, as this uncensored JAV title pushes past the halfway point, it becomes obvious the center of attention are the two extremely tan gyaru who strip off all clothing and reservations for bareback sex featuring intermittent cum facials.
The original Japanese name for this series--yes series as there are actually 3 of them--simply was called "Farm Gyaru". If you prefer that simpler monicker, feel free to adjust it in your minds, but do realize the first part of this at least is a monumentally big affair that deserves a more grandiose name. Subtitling was no easy feat and we do apologize for any gaps. When dialog gets insanely rambunctious from multiple parties in a nearly nonstop fusillade of words cut off here and there, we had to pick and choose the relevant bits to give English captions.
Do you want to hear random gyaru banter about gosh knows what or would you rather hear the choice dialog about why one of the male actors has LITERAL PEARLS IMPLANTED IN HIS DICK?! Yes, while his name isn't given, one of the actors (whom I've never seen in a JAV movie before) definitely was a bit too into body modification. Talk about a slight from left field: a release about bucolic sex under the sun features something as unexpected as seeing skim milk in a countryside Japanese supermarket.
COUNTRYSIDE PROSPERITY RESTORATION PROGRAM FOR GYARU is an all-out random affair. I'd really of preferred to see a bit more story to it. Or at least some more structure. The sex that happens in the second act is great, but getting there felt almost like a bipolar adventure down group JAV land; blowjobs started and stopped randomly, girls were peeing (fertilizer substitution apparently) with reckless abandon (including picture-in-picture moments!), and again with pearl dick dude!
While this is a three-part series, we were only able to license two titles. The second, for some reason, wasn't available though like the other we'll show in a few weeks, it's just a straight sex affair with one of the gyaru. The only big group release is the one we're showing today so if lots of people doing uncanny sexual play outside in an idyll setting far away from Tokyo suits your fancy, then hop in the nearest white Kei truck and don't forget to buckle up.
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 476
3 Files 2.06GB
Countryside Prosperity Restoration Program for Gyaru
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