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Looks interesting. Please let me know when it's on sale so I can get both halves.
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Aoyama Massage Clinic for Women YS Retirement Special 4Thanks, I'm fully in the know now!!
“I Have a Dream,” or Free Handjob?
This film is not so much adult video. Rather it is about adult video and those who watch and fantasize — and dream. A JAV studio invites a group of men to be part of the dream. They come together (and individually, [sorry]) for a tryout camp. Are they good enough? Can they live a life of sexual adventure with the most beautiful women in all the world? Will their dream become their reality?
The emcee for this day’s screening is apparently a highly regarded JAV actress. She’s beautiful and lush and sexually arousing. The outfit she wears is all business, yet deliciously fashionable. (I hated seeing her take it off when the time came!) Yet she seems to want to offset some of that sexual charisma by presenting herself in a military drill sergeant persona. She will intimidate and control her recruits. She also has an assistant — as do all drill sergeants — apparently this lovely woman is also a JAV actress but seemingly of lower stature.
There are 15 or 20 men, ranging in age from 22 through early fifties. Not meaning to disparage, but most look like nerdy guys who spend all their free time in a dark room diddling their dicks while endlessly watching JAV DVDs. At first glance, none look remotely like the male actors I usually see in JAV productions. Anyway, the leaders hand out a written test to be completed. They warn it is very difficult, even for people in the business! The men are sitting on the floor and have to complete the test without any desks or tables of any sort, not the most hospitable approach.
While the tests are being graded, the emcee recruits a working male JAV actor to partner with her in a typical sex scene. I don’t know who the man is, but I know if I were a woman, I’d be begging him to do me! They proceed through the scene as she points out how the action is being managed by the director, how the lotion used to lube the connecting parts is put into the hand off camera, how the condom is put on off camera, etc. Every few minutes she interrupts her passion panting to point out camera angles and other technical details. I can’t say for sure, but it appeared to me most of the men watching were more bored than thrilled. I was a bit bored myself.
Following the sex scene, one man asked to be excused. Reality has burst the bubble of his fantasy, and he no longer wants to be a JAV actor. After a sad and heartfelt parting scene, he is seen all alone pushing his bicycle down the street, hoping, I suppose, he can recover his fantasy world with a few fresh DVDs.
I have no idea why squirting semen for distance should be the measure of a male adult film actor, but that’s the premise for what, ultimately, is really a handjob video. The rest of the film is individual applicants being jerked off by the woman running the show. If you like handjobs (and I do, which is why I got this video to begin with), this is pretty good. The woman is a true dick master, nearly as good at milking out a dick as any actress I’ve ever seen. Each man has a five minute time limit, quaintly measured by an hourglass timer. (I guess it’s the visuals!) For the viewer, it’s nice to know you won’t have to wait all day for some guy just enjoying being in the moment for as long as he can manage the pleasure. All but one squirted out within the time limit. The embarrassed man was sent home early.
The assistant, tape measure in hand, measured the squirting distance of each man. A 53-year-old blew them all away with a little dick and a seven-foot squirt. Average seemed to be around two feet.
Overall, it’s a fun film, but it’s really not about the dream. I think, for the aspirants, it was really more about getting an outstanding, free handjob from a beautiful and sexy JAV actress. I’d probably take that deal! She is really that good.